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Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts


Mysterious giant structures discovered on Mars

Large and compact formations have been uncovered on the surface of Mars, piquing the interest of specialists.

Researchers have recently validated the existence of a massive subsurface structure that is about 1,750 kilometers in diameter and lies approximately 1,100 kilometers below the Earth's surface.

These research outcomes may question core principles in geology.

"There appears to be a substantial entity (comprising lightweight material) located deeply within Mars' internal strata, which may be emerging from the mantle," the authors stated in their study published in the journal JGR: Planets.

"It indicates that there could still be active movements happening beneath Mars, leading to the formation of new volcanic features on its surface," they added.

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Scientists know when Yellowstone volcano could erupt

Researchers specializing in Yellowstone's supervolcano have made significant progress in determining when it might erupt.

Research published in the Nature journal highlights magma chambers within the Earth's crust and the potential dangers of a future volcanic eruption.

The research employed an innovative approach that identifies magma reservoirs by utilizing magnetic fields measured by devices positioned throughout Yellowstone National Park.

It has been discovered that the four underground magma reservoirs beneath Yellowstone hold more molten rock than the three major eruptions that created the Yellowstone caldera, the most recent taking place around 640,000 years ago.

Considering the substantial amount of magma present, scientists recognize that Yellowstone does not currently possess the prerequisites for a volcanic eruption, despite displaying alarming signs of activity in recent times.

"We have a significantly reduced concentration of magma in these pore spaces, resulting in fewer pore spaces filled with magma. This implies that these magmas are not able to connect with one another," stated co-author of the study and volcano seismologist, Ninfa Bennington.

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Underground anomalies discovered for the first time leave scientists baffled

A team of geophysicists from ETH Zurich and Caltech found anomalies in the Earth's lower mantle, revealing previously unknown rocky areas, as reported by Phys.

To uncover these discoveries, researchers utilized a new, high-resolution model of the Earth's mantle. The results revealed regions of submerged rocky terrain beneath significant oceans, as well as within the interiors of continents.

"It appears that these zones in the Earth's mantle are significantly more extensive than previously understood," stated Thomas Schouten, lead author and doctoral researcher at ETH Zurich's Geological Institute.

The origins of these geological peculiarities are not yet understood.

"They could be remnants from the ancient silica-rich rocks that have been present since the Earth's mantle formed approximately 4 billion years ago, miraculously remaining intact despite the ongoing convective movements within the mantle. Another possibility is that they are areas where iron-rich rocks have accumulated as a result of the mantle's slow, steady movement over an equally vast timescale," Thomas Schouten suggested.

(QG = Geo / Phys / Picture: Unsplash)

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Scientists have evidence that Adam and Eve existed

Leading researchers believe there is accumulating evidence that humans might be the direct descendants of the biblical individuals Adam and Eve.

There is controversy over the existence of Adam and Eve, but there is common ground among the three major monotheistic faiths—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—they are all in agreement that Adam and Eve were created by God and brought forth the human species.

Study results suggest that the Garden of Eden may not be just a myth based on biblical accounts, but a real location that has left evidence of its presence on Earth.

Archaeologists have found evidence suggesting that the Garden of Eden was not merely a legendary site, but also the origin of humanity's fundamentals. Simultaneously, biologists assert that humans universally descend from a single common ancestor.

It is thought that the Garden of Eden was situated in ancient Mesopotamia, which currently encompasses a large portion of Iraq and smaller areas of Syria, Iran, and Turkey.


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Humans may not have survived without Neanderthals

Evidence suggests that modern humans did not emerge from Africa with an unbroken lineage, but rather experienced multiple extinction events on the way to their global dominance, according to recent studies.

Recent DNA research has shed fresh insights into the role our Neanderthal ancestors played in our own evolutionary success.

While this initial perception viewed early European humans as a species that eventually gained dominance after departing from Africa, current research indicates that only those human populations that interbred with Neanderthals were able to endure and thrive, whereas other lineages became extinct.

It is indeed possible that Neanderthal genes played a crucial role in our success in protecting us from new diseases we have never encountered before.

Researchers have found that around 48,000 years ago, shortly after leaving Africa, Homo sapiens interbred with Neanderthals for a brief period, paving the way for their eventual spread across the globe.

Humans had migrated from the African continent before this, but the new research indicates that those populations did not endure before the period of interbreeding.

Professor Johannes Krause of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Germany, stated to News that the history of present humans will now require to be revised.

We perceive modern humans as a compelling tale of triumph, emerging from Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and subsequently colonizing diverse ecosystems to become the most dominant mammal on the planet," he said. "However, our early history was marked by multiple instances of extinction.

For a long time, understanding how the only remaining human species evolved was based on analyzing the shapes of fossilized remains of our ancestors that lived hundreds of thousands of years ago and examining how their anatomy gradually changed over time.

Ancient remnants have been scarce and frequently vandalized. However, the capacity to extract and decipher the genetic code from bones aged tens of thousands of years has shed light on our enigmatic past.

The DNA in fossil remains reveals the history of the individuals, their family connections, and the paths they took for migration.

Even after our successful interbreeding with Neanderthals, our population in Europe still faced significant challenges.

The first modern humans that had interbred with Neanderthals and lived alongside them became extinct in Europe 40,000 years ago - but not before their descendants had expanded into other parts of the world.

It was their ancestors who eventually returned to Europe to repopulate it.

The study offers a fresh perspective on what led to the demise of Neanderthals shortly after the arrival of modern humans from Africa. The exact reason behind their extinction remains unclear, but these findings prompt us to reconsider speculations that our species drove them to extinction or were inherently more advanced in physical or intellectual terms.

According to Prof. Krause, it aligns with the idea that the issue was caused by environmental factors instead.

We see that humans and Neanderthals experienced extinction in Europe at the same period," he said. "If a species with more resources, like ours, struggled and eventually went extinct in the area, it's hard to be shocked when a species with fewer numbers and limited means, such as Neanderthals, also faced extinction.

The climate was extremely unpredictable during that era. It could suddenly shift from temperatures close to what we have today to extremely frigid conditions, sometimes even changing within a person's lifetime, as stated by Prof Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London, who is not involved with the new research.

"The study highlights that nearly at the end of their presence on the planet, Neanderthals were very scarce in numbers, less genetically diverse than their contemporaneous human counterparts, and it could have not taken much to drive them to extinction," he said.

A separate DNA analysis published in the journal Science reveals that modern humans retained certain vital genetic characteristics from Neanderthals that could have granted them an evolutionary advantage.

As humans left Africa, they became highly susceptible to new diseases they had never faced. This vulnerability benefited from the intermingling of their genetic material with that of Neanderthals, conferring their offspring with protection.

Might the inclusion of Neanderthal DNA have been crucial to our evolutionary success due to the improved adaptability it provided outside of Africa," said Prof Stringer. "As we evolved in Africa, the Neanderthals had undergone their evolution elsewhere in the world.

We obtained a temporary boost to our immune systems through interbreeding with the Neanderthals.



How Europe's creating the moon on Earth

Making it to the moon requires incremental progress, such as Europe's new LUNA training facility. However, this is not the final step. The next objective is a moon gravity simulator.

To rebuild the moon on Earth, you would require three fundamental elements:

A substance with a chemical composition similar to lunar soil (regolith) Special lighting to replicate the sun's angle A gravitational simulator that replicates one-sixth of the Earth's gravity

And a huge storage container to house it all, like a massive metal hangar.

They reached two-thirds of the way to representing the moon's unique topography in late September 2024. One essential component was still missing.

The pitch darkness was broken by a spotlight trained on two astronauts fully suited up, Matthias Maurer of Germany and Thomas Pesquet of France.

Maurer and Pesquet walked across the hangar, which featured 700 square meters (7,500 square foot) of artificial ground covered with volcanic soil from Italy's Mount Etna, along with dirt from the Eifel region in Germany and rocks from Norway.

The duo, accompanied by an assortment of equipment including long-handled scoops and a robotic canine, simulated an excursion on a mock lunar terrain in front of an audience of around 100 esteemed guests.

As they walked, the light shone in a particular direction, replicating how sunlight would interfere with an astronaut's sight when people return to the moon, perhaps as early as this decade.

It's because the moon does not have a gravitational influence in this context.

Gravity simulator: Missing piece of the LUNA puzzle book

Against a cinematic soundtrack, astronaut Maurer and astronaut Pesquet demonstrated how they would collect samples and explore a crater on the real moon. It was a spectacular display put on for the benefit of politicians and agency officials, who shared a celebratory moment with the astronauts for the cameras and the cameras' crews.

However, it felt incredibly earthen, almost as if it lacked a moon-like gravitational pull. This remains an unresolved issue for the engineers.

In the past, astronauts relied on parabolic flights and swimming pools to simulate and experience weightlessness or microgravity environments.

Parabolic flights utilize modified jet aircraft to replicate weightlessness by flying at 45-degree angles to ascend and descend from high altitudes.

Specialized astronaut training pools are also employed, and the astronauts conduct simulated training exercises while wearing space suits.

Neither of these options would be effective in the LUNA Analog Facility as it is located on dry land.

Engineers aim to create a "gravity offload system," stated Andrea Emanuele Maria Casini, who leads the LUNA project as an aerospace engineer.

"It's like you're manipulating puppets on strings, just hanging them out in space," Casini said.

External cables will be attached to the astronauts' spacesuits, likely tugging on them as they walk and holding them in place as they jump.

The project is currently in its prototype stage and Casini acknowledged: "LUNA is an extremely costly sandbox." But it will provide a platform to test new technologies and train astronauts in a controlled environment eventually.

The magic happens within," said Casini. "The terrain will enable the upcoming generation of astronauts to return to the moon.

Exploration possibilities are also available. Two additional chambers are situated alongside the LUNA Analog Facility - a habitat simulator and a reused greenhouse from the EDEN ISS experiment, which examined the cultivation of food in cold space.

Located beside the main hall, there's a vacant area which could potentially be employed for a future "LUNA 2" or Mars training facility.

"The fragmented moon is risen from the deep sky to nature's Earth stage, a spectator of mortal lifetime fills the observer with silence, which longing asks to delight an eye upon it silently, from down far come to.

From the very beginning, the concept has been driven by the idea. He told that the facility was able to replicate the moon's realities, even without the gravitational offload system.

"When I enter the crater and sunlight hits my face, it is blinding," Maurer stated. As he is located in the crater, any objects in front of him appear dramatically darkened due to the shadow cast by the crater's rim.

This is a stressful test for astronauts, subjecting them to the challenging and sometimes conflicting conditions they will likely face on the moon.

Another factor is the moon's regolith. "It's a major technical obstacle," said Maurer. "It destroys all electrical equipment, blocks moving parts with it and invades the space suit. We can test all that here."

Links around the globe

LUNA can connect with mission control centers worldwide, reaching out to agencies including the DLR in Cologne and the German Space Operations Center (GSOC) in Munich, NASA in Houston, US, and the International Space Station.

This would allow simulations to be executed remotely, for example, by having NASA astronauts guided through a mission simulation in Germany, by their teams located in the US.

Upon its full operation, the LUNA Analog Facility will serve as a symbol of Europe's dedication to space exploration, according to ESA's special adviser for political affairs, Kai-Uwe Schrogl.

LUNA provides credibility," Schrogl said. "You can talk a lot about going to the moon and beyond, but if you only have a few rockets or a lander on the reconnaissance phase, then you are not really credible. You need such a facility to show that you are serious.

Aside from supporting NASA's Artemis program, Europe aims to land humans on the moon by the 2030s. The LUNA Analog Facility is one of many important steps to reach this objective.

Edited by: Zulfikar Abbany

Author: Matthew Ward Agius
